Jackie Chan Adventures 🔴Season 2


📀Jackie Chan Adventures

🔴Season 2

🔮Language : Tamil

Quality : 720p 

Encoded by : toon tamil nadu 

The Chans travel to Hong Kong and defeat Shendu. Jade destroys the dragon with the Dragon talisman. After the defeat of Shendu, a new void is present to be filled by a new evil. Trapped in the Underworld as a spirit Shendu comes to reckoning with his brothers and sisters who schedule an eternal torment for the treacherous dragon. Hoping to be spared by his siblings Shendu promises them freedom in the form of the Pan'ku Box. The Chans battle and seal the eight demon Sorcerers. After his defeat, Shendu is continually tormented by his brethren. Hoping to escape punishment Shendu confides to his siblings of the Book of Ages, an ancient book where all history is magically recorded. Possessing Jackie's body Shendu travels to Australia and successfully re-writes history into a parallel Demon World.

Episode list :

                Episode 1 

               Episode 2 

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